The Kala devices are high power and high quality. In most cases, lower doses from a further distance will deliver the best overall results.
We suggest removing clothing and apply the light directly to the desired areas. Example – If you have back pain, remove your shirt and direct the light towards your back.
The NIR lights on your device are invisible to the human eye – please know that they are so rest assured all your lights are functioning and working properly even if you do not see them “light up”.
Goggles/glasses are not needed for your Kala Mini. However, we do suggest that you do not look directly into the light, especially if you experience sensitivity to light or are on medications. The Kala Elite and Kala Pro come with goggles which can be used during treatments, specifically when NIR is on.
General Recommendations for RED/NIR Light Therapy:
- When first starting out, we suggest using the lowest doses of range.
- The Kala Red Lights are high power lights that deliver effective doses even when moved further away from your body. This allows you to treat much larger areas’s of the body at once compared to other lights.
- The ideal frequency is likely between 3x-7x/week (i.e. up to once per day)
- For any sensitive areas, be conservative and start slow.
For any surface skin issues, optimal treatment times are:
- 30 seconds-2.5 minutes per area (when the light is 6″ inches away)
- 1-3.5 minutes per area (when the light is 12″ inches away)
- 1.5-5 minutes per area (when the light is 18″ away)
- 2-7 minutes per area (when the light is 24″ inches away
- 3-14 minutes per area (when the light is 36″ inches away)
When focusing on the skin, Kala suggests using it a little further away – from between 12″ to 36″ away from your body.
Note, having it further away from the body allows you to treat much larger areas of your body at once. In most cases this will bring the best results.
For deeper issues (e.g. muscle, bone, brain, organs, glands, fat, etc.), optimal treatment times are:
- 2-7 minutes per area (when the light is 6″ inches away)
- 5-10 minutes per area (when if the light is 12″ inches away)
Body Position:
What is the best position should when using your Kala device?
There is really no right or wrong answer. You can sit, stand or lay down. We suggest finding the most comfortable position for you to treat the desired targeted area of your body. You may find different positions work better than others, depending on what part of your body you’re treating.
The Kala Pro and Elite come with a door hanging kit which is very useful and used by many customers. If you choose to use the door hanging kit, then you’ll be standing (or sitting in a chair) next to the device.
Operating Instructions
Kala Mini:
Standard Treatment: Start slow and build up to 10-minutes treatments at 6-12 inches away for optimal results. The Kala Mini is great for targeted treatments.
1. Hold the Power button on the top of the device to power on. Once on, tap the power button to set your preferred treatment time.
2. Hold your Kala Mini 6″-12″ away from the desired treatment region
3. Hold the power button for a few seconds on the top of the device to power off
4. Tap the power button one time to see the battery level
Kala Pro:
Standard Treatment: Start slow and bBuild up to 10-minute treatments at 6-12 inches from your device for optimal results. 15-20 minutes for symptomatic areas may be beneficial, but beyond that, the evidence points to diminishing returns (your cells can only absorb so much light at once).
1. Plug your device into a power outlet
2. Hit the Power button on the back of the device
3. Select the Power button on the digital dashboard
4. Select Red/NIR
5. Apply the light to the desired regions from 6″-12″ away
Kala Elite:
Standard Treatment: Assuming the light is 6″ or 12″ away from your body, that means no more than roughly 15-20 total minutes of time shining the Kala light is needed. Optimal sessions are 10 minutes once daily.
1. Plug your device into a power outlet
2. Hit the Power button on the back of the device
3. Select the Power button on the digital dashboard
4. Select Red/NIR
5. Apply the light to the desired regions from 6″-12″ away
How to use the Timer function for the Kala Pro and Elite:
1. Turn on your Kala Device
2. Tap the Power button on the digital dash
3. Tap the Time button on your digital dash
4. Select the NIR/RED option
5. Allow for 5 seconds for the timer to begin and the session to start
Activate Kala Recovery+ Pulse Mode for Kala Pro and Elite:
The Kala Pulse Recovery+ Mode is great for inflammation, recovery and deep tissue healing. You can adjust to the different frequencies on the digital display of the device.
1. Turn on your Kala Device
2. Tap the Power button on the digital dash
3. Select RED/NIR or just the default NIR mode (if infrared pulse is desired only)
4. Click Mode on the Digital Dash
5. Allow for up to 5 seconds for pulse mode to initiate
How to Customize your sessions with the Kala Pro and Kala Elite:
For more experienced Red light therapy users, you can customize which frequency you want to use for your Kala Pro and Kala Elite device.
Please note, the majority of users will experience incredible results with the standard RED/NIR setting.
How to change the Frequencies:
1. Turn on your Kala Device
2. Tap the Power button on the digital dash
3. Select RED/NIR or just the default NIR mode (if infrared pulse is desired only)
4. Click Mode TWICE on the Digital Dash. The numbers will show “0-0-0-0”
5. Click Frequency on the Digital Dash to customize the desired frequencies
A frequency – 292 Hz
Cellular Vitality Resonates with Ectoderm (outermost tissue) that forms: • Skin • Ears • Glands • Teeth • Nerves • Brain • Eyes • Spinal Cord • Assists wound healing • Nerve repair • Reduce inflammation • Repair of skin • Reduces scar tissue • Reduce tumors
B frequency – 584 Hz
Nutritional Metabolism Resonates with Enoderm (innermost tissue) that forms: • Lungs • Liver • Gall Bladder • Bladder • Thyroid Gland • Pancreas • Urethra • Thymus Gland • Lining of the intestinal tract • Auditory Tube • Improves nutritional assimilation • Balances the parasympathetic nervous system • Alleviates allergy problems
C frequency – 1,168 Hz
Movement Resonates with Mesoderm (middle tissue) that forms: • Connective tissue – ligaments, tendons, cartilage, muscle & bone • Cortex of the Adrenal Gland • Pain in muscles, skeletal or my-facial* areas • Heart • Blood • Lymph vessels • Ovaries • Testes • Kidneys • Spleen
D frequency – 2,336 Hz
Coordination • Coordinates the two sides of the brain • Reduces Stress
E frequency – 4,672 Hz
Nerves • Pain • Spinal Cord • Skin Disorders Resonates with the spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system: • The spinal cord carries the messages of the central nervous system from the brain to all other parts of the body. • The peripheral nervous system extends from the central nervous system. These nerves extend to the outermost areas of the body – to the organs, limbs and skin. Veterinary experience: • Reduces excess calcification such as bone spurs and arthritic joints
F frequency – 73 Hz A harmonic frequency
Emotional Reactions • Balances Hormones • Muscle spasms • Facial Pain • Headaches • Depression • Healing of non-healing bone fractures • Balances thalamus and hypothalamus – two major body control centers Resonates with the subcortical or lower regions of the brain: • Speech • Memory • Hormones balance • Unconscious reactions/reflexes • Improves circulation
G frequency – 146 Hz A harmonic frequency
Intellectual Organization • Memory • Psychological disorders • Nervousness and worry Resonates with the cerebral cortex of the brain: • Thinking • Imagining • Reduces inflammation and scar tissue on tendons and ligaments
For optimal results, use your Kala Lamp for 30 minutes – 2 hours within the first couple hours of waking up. Place your Kala Lamp 6-24″ (inches) from your face. Best results can be seen when used in a dark setting (lights off).
It’s common to see improvement in your energy, concentration, and mood within a few days if used for at least 30 minutes every morning.
How to Use:
Please do not look directly into the light. We recommend placing the lamp about 2 or 3 feet away while you read, eat, work or do other activities. The lamp works great for your zoom meetings. Let the light hit your skin and be absorbed directly into it.
1. Plug the Lamp into a power outlet
2. Gently touch the middle button to turn it on. Hold the power button to adjust the brightness.
3. Select the button on the left side to change the colour temperature.
4. Gently touch the button on the right side. The lamp will flash which confirms a timer has been set. The lamp will turn off after 1 hour. Touch again, the lamp will flash twice to show that the timer has been cleared.