Félicitations à notre gagnant de l’ensemble de démarrage de mise à la terre Earthing!
avril 19, 2022
Congratulations to the winner of our free Earthing Starter Kit, Tara V. of Nepean, ON!
Her entry was drawn at random from all of the eligible submissions. This is her Earthing Success Story:
“Worked immediately! The night I picked up my Earthing package at the post office was one of the worst snow storms of the season. Driving home from work, my shoulders were up in my ears from the tension. Cars were in the ditch. Little visibility. White knuckles from clenching the steering wheel all the way home. Once I got home, I had to shovel so that I could get into my lane way and into my house. I couldn’t have been more tense afterwards. After dinner, I was already feeling the lingering effects of the drive and shovelling in my body. The next morning, my shoulders and upper back ached. I don’t like taking medication, but seriously considered it that morning. I drove into work and set up my Earthing mat on my desk. Within an hour or two, all the pain in my shoulders and back were gone. In the past, that pain would have been there for days and a trip to the RMT would have been necessary. It was so easy and so fast. I’ve used my Earthing products everyday since. I feel great. And, if I ever feel “off,” I Earth right away. Earthing is part of my life forever.”
Thank you to everyone who took the time to send in their Earthing story!
We were delighted to receive an overwhelming amount of submissions. The topics ranged from chronic pain relief to treatments for insomnia, and every story was an inspirational testament to the Earth’s natural rejuvenating energy. We will be posting them to our website shortly so stay tuned!
We’re looking forward to sharing your unique experiences and ultimately, helping others to discover the remarkable health benefits of Earthing.