How to Ground Your Bed

There’s nothing quite like the world beneath your feet on a nice summer day (can you tell we are itching for warmer days?) You know that feeling: the cool blades of grass sticking to your skin as a complete sense of calm washes over you...

The difference between PEMF and Earthing Mats

Whenever we tell people about Earthing Canada, they often ask, “Like the PEMF mats?” Not quite!We get it — they’re both outliers in the wellness world and look like funky exercise mats. But despite their similarities, they operate differently. Let’s break it down:What are PEMF...

Feeling Grounded VS Being Grounded—What’s the Difference?

Think all grounding is the same? Think again. There’s a MAJOR difference between feeling grounded and being grounded. Surprisingly, this has come up for us in recent conversations, and we wanted to clarify so we’re all on the same page.Being grounded refers to when people directly connect their bodies...

5 Ways to Stay Connected to Earth During Winter

Living in a place with winter for nearly half the year (Canada!) can be hard to connect to Earth. Unless you’re digging through a patch of snow to the grass and braving the frigid temperatures, you’ll probably have a hard time earthing, and we’re here...